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Back and Neck Disc Herniation

Back and neck disc herniation is among the most common causes of chronic pain and discomfort. The pain can range from mild to severe, and in some cases can be debilitating. Dr. Estner and his team in Rhode Island have the tools and the training to help patients to get relief from conditions like these using a spectrum of proven chiropractic treatments and physiotherapies.

Comprehensive Approach





What is Back and Neck Disc Herniation?

Also known as a slipped, bulging, or ruptured disc, disc herniation is a form of damage that is sustained by the cartilage structures that are in between the vertebra of the neck and spine. They are similar to an inflatable doughnut and contain fluid to help protect vertebrae and keep them from making contact.

Over time, these discs can become damaged by poor posture, heavy labor, and by a combination of the two, among other causes. When a disc becomes herniated, it means that it has moved out of position or its shape has been distorted by pressure and posture. Sometimes, a portion of the disc can become weakened, and the fluid begins to form a bubble that is pressed outward by the compression of the vertebrae. That is called a disc herniation.


  • Sitting in one position for too long
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Being overweight
  • Repetitive movements
  • Poor posture
  • Age


Because the spine contains nervous structures necessary for the body and brain to remain connected, the potential symptoms of damage to a spinal disc are many. Sometimes pain can be transmitted to other parts of the body because these conditions affect structures responsible for sending and receiving information between different parts of the body.

Herniated neck disc symptoms

  • Upper back and neck pain
  • Pain in the limbs
  • Numbness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Pain or tingling between the shoulder blades

Herniated back disc symptoms

  • Back pain
  • Pain in the limbs
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Muscle weakness or tingling in the upper legs

Moreover, the symptoms of a herniated disc in either the neck or back will have similar symptoms and effects. But these symptoms and effects may feel different depending on where they are expressed in the body. For this reason, pinpointing the damaged disc requires a full, professional examination of the neck and back. 


Treatment begins with a consultation in which we establish behavior patterns that may contribute to damage to the part of the spine you are concerned with. This will be followed by an examination. The examination will include an assessment of the patient's reflexes, muscle strength, ability to walk, and sensitivity to tactile stimulation. It may also include imaging and nerve tests. From there, we begin to recommend treatments and therapies and develop follow-up treatments as well as things you can do on your own to reduce pain and contribute to recovery.

Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Options

  • Manual Spinal (Diversified) Manipulation
  • Electric Stimulation
  • Ultrasound
  • Extremity Adjustments
  • Activator Techniques
  • Kinesio Taping
  • Mechanical Traction
  • Trigger Point Therapy & Myofacial Release
  • Resistance Exercise Therapy/Stretches
  • Massage & Neuromuscular Therapy
  • Flexion/Distraction technique
  • Pregnancy Adjustment

In addition to these, we will discuss exercises you can do at home, making adjustments to your posture habits, diet, sleep patterns, and more.

With the right treatments, anyone can obtain relief from these and similar causes of neck and back pain. Our lead chiropractor and support team here in Rhode Island are ready to help. Get in touch today to learn more.

Patient Forms

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